PRINDI.ME PRINTING HOUSE OÜ printing house is a team of competent experts. Our company provides project management services related to the manufacture, storage, logistics and installation of promotional products.devate asjatundjate meeskond. Meie ettevõte osutab projektijuhtimise teenuseid, mis on seotud reklaamtoodete valmistamise, ladustamise, logistika ja paigaldamisega.
We have been operating in the advertising services market since 2003 and during this time we have solved different complexities. Thanks to the contacts and experience gained, we can quickly find the best solutions for our clients. Our designers and managers are well aware of the principles of production and our factory is equipped with the latest technologies.lesandeid. Tänu tekkinud sidemetele ja saadud kogemustele suudame klientide jaoks leida kiiresti parimad lahendused. Meie kujundajad ja juhid tunnevad hästi tootmise põhimõtteid ning meie tehas on varustatud tehnika viimase sõnaga.
We aim at continuous development and improvement of production capacity in order to provide our customers with an even more convenient and high quality service.ärk on pidev areng ja tootmisvõimsuse parandamine, et pakkuda oma klientidele veelgi mugavamat ja kvaliteetsemat teenust.